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I wanna give a space between these two images so that it looks normal, so how to do this cuz i can't find it on member templates Sad
Which 2 images?
Oh sorry lol i forgot to include the screenshot, sorry Toungue

Here it is
In member_profile template; find this:


and make it:

<span id="buddy_options">{$buddy_options}</span>

Now open your global.css and add at the end:

#buddy_options a {
	display: block;
	margin-top: 20px;

Or more specifically:

#buddy_options a {
	display: block;
#buddy_options > a:nth-child(3), #buddy_options > a:nth-child(4){
	margin-top: 20px;
Change the px value of margin-top as you need.
OK and effone i've sent you a skype invite, accept it Toungue
Sure buddy. But I didn't receive.
Make sure its:
OK, i think that guy whom i sent it was a copycat of yours that's why it was written effone 'Demonite' XD