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Which of these are most likely to juice CPU?

Index page queries = 15
Thread queries = 40
Thread list = 30
Quote:RSS Feed Poster

This could cause problems, depending on how much work it's doing.

Quote:Google SEO

And this potentially. I know others have seen performance issues.

Quote:MyBB Extras Highslide

I wouldn't use this. The administrator of MyBB Extras is known for including malware in their plugins.

Your best bet is to disable them one at a time and wait and see if performance improves.
Highslide is awesome. It will be tough to let go of it. I will give it a go though and see if any differences are seen. Any other 'safe' plugin that uses Highslide?

Google SEO will be difficult to let go. My links have been based on Google SEO around 6 months now. I would lose all back links and deep links if I disabled this I believe. Any way around this?

RSS Feed Poster also saves me a ton of work. It posts a single post from 4 different feeds every 25 hours or so (Not 4 feeds at the same time, they are offset). I'm guessing 4 posts every 30 hours isn't part of my CPU issue.

Any other ideas what could be causing the high CPU load?
(2014-02-05, 03:22 PM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]Highslide is awesome. It will be tough to let go of it. I will give it a go though and see if any differences are seen. Any other 'safe' plugin that uses Highslide?

Google SEO will be difficult to let go. My links have been based on Google SEO around 6 months now. I would lose all back links and deep links if I disabled this I believe. Any way around this?

RSS Feed Poster also saves me a ton of work. It posts a single post from 4 different feeds every 25 hours or so (Not 4 feeds at the same time, they are offset). I'm guessing 4 posts every 30 hours isn't part of my CPU issue.

Any other ideas what could be causing the high CPU load?

We went off Google SEO cold turkey 2 years ago. We did take a temporary hit while google updated it's links, but it was the best thing we did for our big forum.
Every plugin costs something somewhere, especially if it does more than nothing.

I spent a lot of effort optimizing Google SEO, but in the end, URLs still have to be queried from the database, so if your database is slow, you will notice problems. Another problem is that it can't predict what URLs other plugins will produce on a given page. You can set Google SEO into lazy mode for URL replacement, but that in turn has other issues (like having to parse all the output), so while it may use less queries, the parsing may make things more expensive than the normal mode of operation.

It's pretty much the same for any plugin that does interesting things. For example Template Conditionals lets you do very powerful things with templates, but in order to make that possible it has to parse and evaluate templates and to keep things secure, load and verify against a whitelist of functions, and the like.

As for a RSS feed, it does not matter how many posts you have, what matters is the number of subscribers and how often clients reload and check for new posts. But that's a problem you already have with the builtin syndication; if something hits your site every second for whatever reason, of course the request will have to be served and that will use cpu, db queries and bandwidth...

Everything has a cost somewhere. Not that you should expect problems because of it, given decent hosting...

Quote:We went off Google SEO cold turkey 2 years ago.

It does offer graceful redirection to stock URLs; and does not use resources worth mentioning in this mode when everything else is deactivated. Disabling it outright and then showing all those 404 pages and then having users search around for the thing they were looking for is probably more expensive than the redirect solution...
Quote:As for a RSS feed, it does not matter how many posts you have, what matters is the number of subscribers and how often clients reload and check for new posts. But that's a problem you already have with the builtin syndication; if something hits your site every second for whatever reason, of course the request will have to be served and that will use cpu, db queries and bandwidth...
Yes, it doesn't matter how many posts it pulls. Just giving details. There are 3 RSS Bots that do a pull every 25-30 hours.

The main problem with disabling GSEO is because of the deep links from my blog and the hundreds of deep links within the site itself, and even more so - the 'juice' from other sites linking in. For better or worse, I'm stuck with it.

Regardless, it doesn't look like GSEO is the source of the issues. I posted in a couple other threads, all of my problems disappeared when I optimized and moved to the new server. My opinion is that it was because of the optimization. There were tons of errors happening - 500 errors, VM hitting 4GB, hundreds of strange redirects. I uploaded the site exactly as it was to the new server. The only difference being the optimization which cleared 20-30% of my database size.

Old server/before optimization

Newest server/after optimization

I can't be sure, because there were 2 things that had changed (new server and optimization). But several days prior to this, I'd moved to a better server (direct move by host, so database likely moved bit for bit) and the CPU was still topping out and still getting all the strange redirect errors. Not sure about VM because VM was unlimited and VM usage not listed by cpanel.

With this newer move, it was with optimized sql.

Just my best guess it was lack of optimization after 10 months of moderately busy forum. Look at the differences in memory use - both pm and vm between these two.
Its kind of difficult to find out the real Load on Shared-Hosting.
You have to sit on desk, at peak visit time and disable that plugin Smile
The pics show the load from my sites on the server. Not all sites combined on the server. Just look at the difference in the pics. It wasn't topping out just at certain times. It was topping out frequently and randomly.

(2014-02-05, 01:52 PM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:MyBB Extras Highslide

I wouldn't use this. The administrator of MyBB Extras is known for including malware in their plugins.

Your best bet is to disable them one at a time and wait and see if performance improves.

Where is there any reference to MyBB Extras having malware? I've given it a google and came up with nothing but my own thread.
(2014-02-07, 04:43 PM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]Where is there any reference to MyBB Extras having malware? I've given it a google and came up with nothing but my own thread.

Maybe not malware, but his plugins are surely untrustable and vulnerable. Google "MyBB Janota". There will be results like this:

Personally I never had a chance to meet him, but I saw his plugins when I worked on someone's site. At least few seemed to be worse copies of free plugins. For example Who Was Online Today. Other had SQL vulnerablities (don't know if bad coding or purpose) because he didn't filter textarea $mybb->input with $db->escape_string(), so anyone could get into database.
I have been using Google SEO for a long time and no issues regarding to performance at all!
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