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Hi all.
I have spent in the order of 5hours tryin to centre an image on our new site

Having reading countless threads played and failed with hundreds of bits of code I have no idea why it is seemingly impossible to centre this image.

Can some one please tell an idiot what to do in the simplest of terms

thank you in advance xxx
You need to remove width: 600px; from the .logo class.

Unrelated to the issue, but you don't seem to have uploaded your theme images.
Ahhh, I have done nothing but run around in amateur circles only achieving a mental break down,
where would i find the 600px to remove and the theme images may I ask

thank you very much for your reply too

It will be in the "global.css" stylesheet, presuming you already know your way around the theme editor in the ACP.

The themes images should be provided with your theme package that you downloaded.
I am in css editor and the log image is set to 1000.
ur assumption is... one is a lost bunny here lol

the template used is from the library

I certainly cannot find any data in the style sheet relating to that size, unless i have tired eyes