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Full Version: MySql Error-2
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Hi, everyone!

I had a mysql error and shared it here before but it is not solved yet.
You can look at the first error from this link. You can also see my plugin list from here.

And now, i have a bigger problem with my website. Everyone can access my website but i cannot.

When i go to my website -from any browser- i see this mysql error message;

[Image: xEOPED.png]

UP !.
Try running following command in SQL tab of PHPMyAdmin window:
Quote:REPAIR TABLE mybb_sessions
(2014-02-16, 04:48 PM)adi19 Wrote: [ -> ]Try running following command in SQL tab of PHPMyAdmin window:
Quote:REPAIR TABLE mybb_sessions

Thanks a lot,

Best Regards.
Activate "Tables Check" task !!!!!!!!