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Full Version: how to hide "IP-adress logged" in postbit
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Hey guys,

How to hide IP adress logged in postbit for admins and mods?

They are only visible to Admins Super-Moderators and Moderators. You can edit their group if you need to !

Miscellaneous >> Can view IP addresses on who's online?


I know it's only visible to mods etc, but its anoying.

I ment on every post, not on who's online?
Then edit Admin group >> Miscellaneous >> Can view IP addresses on who's online?


It's not that :s
Find and remove {$post['iplogged']} from your postbit template
ACP > Configuration > Posting > Log Posting IP Addresses > Do not log IP (Technically this is incorrect. It'll still log IPs, it just won't show them.)


Yeah that worked. Finaly gone :p

Edit: Just saw Nathan's post. Both works though.

Thanks guys.