MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Display ALL Sub-Forums on Forum/Index
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Basically, have a look at this image:

[Image: sub.png]

I want to make it that so, instead of display "and # more", it simply displays all the links to the sub-forums right there.

Took a poke at the thread templates that stood out to be obvious, however did not find any. Not really a fan of sub-forums; but for where I want to take this relapse of my site, I want them this time.

For reference - I am using the "Apart: Flame" theme, I believe it is.

Detailed description of your problem, including steps to reproduce if necessary: Noted above.
URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page: (visiting the site directly displays portal)
New installation or upgrade (from which version of MyBB)?: New installation of latest version.
Test user account (if a posting/UserCP issue): N/A
Screenshot or error text, verbatim:

I am a dummy. I did not know there was a setting for this.

ACP -> Home » Board Settings » Forum Home Options » Subforums to show on Index listing