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Full Version: Threaded Mode
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The Threaded Mode in MyBB is disappointing. I expected it to be more similar to slashdot. Is there any way to have MyBB display more than one message at a time in threaded mode? Like display a whole thread at once?
Wouldn't that make it Linear mode? 0.o
I think what stisaac wants is both a threaded menu, and the regular post display.
I like seeing who replied to who at the bottom of the page, but I think it would be helpful to see more than one post at once. For instance (letters are posts)
|      A
|     / \
|    B   C
|   / \   \
|  D   E   F

I would like when I click on B in threaded mode, to see posts B, D and E, rather than just B. Clicking on A to see all posts, indented differently depending on who replied to who. Ex, when I click on A in threaded mode to see the full text of:

regardless of what order the posts were made in.
yeah, and perhaps if there's a reply of a reply, not showing the comment but having a link there to click on if you want the comment displayed.