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Full Version: Authorization code mismatch & User titles
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1- When trying to subscribe to a thread, users on a forums of mine are receiving the following errors;

“Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.”

I'm using the Apart Earth template.

2- Despite deleting all the user titles from "module=user-titles", user titles are still showing under user's names. What's going on? I want to get rid of user titles altogether.

I too am having users complain about "authorization code mismatch"
What is the solution?
To change users' titles go to MySQL, choose your base and go to SQL. There put this code:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usertitle` = 'new title goes here'
Unfortunately, I can't help you with "authorization code mismatch".
1. ACP >> Templates >> Your theme's Templates >> Show Thread Templates >> showthread

the subscription code should have the post key as below....

<li class="subscription_{$add_remove_subscription}"><a href="usercp2.php?action={$add_remove_subscription}subscription&amp;tid={$tid}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}">{$add_remove_subscription_text}</a></li>

2. User title takes precedence as - custom title from usercp, group settings in ACP, and from ACP >> Users & Groups >> UserTitles

if any one of the above is filled then it will be shown under the username...