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Full Version: I can't see avatars when I'm logged in...?
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Hi everyone.
I just converted to MyBB from phpBB2, and everything got just fine... Now I have strange problem, I can't see avatars when I am logged in!! Big Grin

I hope it is not big issue, as I am new in MyBB...

Thanks to everyone in advance.
And one more thing.
When I change encoding in /inc/languages/english.php to windows-1250, i get this message:
Warning: mb_internal_encoding() [function.mb-internal-encoding]: Unknown encoding "windows-1250" in /mounted-storage/home19a/sub001/sc19332-GSIF/www/forum/global.php on line 67

Any ideas?
Fonts are showing OK, so no problems except that one in top of page...

Thanks to everyone.
Don't set your encoding to windows-1250. You should keep it as UTF8.

As for the avatars, have you tried refreshing the page? Does it work when your not logged in? Can you provide a link to your forum?
I have send you link to PM, yes, I can see avatars when I'm not logged in, tryed to refresh, but nothing happens.

When I set encoding to UTF-8, I can't see all fonts, BTW, I used Windows-1250 on phpBB, before conversion, now, If I'm not wrong, I have to convert all posts to UTF-8, and how do I do that?

(if there is no solution to switch to windows-1250 i language file)
Tikitiki helped me and he solved the encoding problem. Now, the (bug) for avatar is remaining... Is anyone willing to help me?

Thank you.
User CP --> Edit Options. Is the setting titled "Show user's avatars in posts" selected?
Damn... Big Grin

Thanks a lot.
This solves the problem.
One more question.
Is there any way I could do this in global way, to affect all members?

Thank you in advance.
Run this query in phpMyAdmin:
UPDATE mybb_users SET showavatars = 'yes'