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Full Version: Where does {$avatar} come from?
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Just a quick question as to what template controls the "avatar" on the member page?

I have set a large avatar (up to 180x180 to upload, 150x150 in thread view settings, etc). I know, I am using a custom Theme with maybe some type of Float.

But, the Member template (member_profile) only has this in it:

<div id="profileavatar">{$avatar}</div><br />

Where is it getting this {$avatar} variable and how do I modify it?


Humm, I need it different for different templates. That isn't going to work b hardcoding the img tags.

The fact that it hardcodes the height and width is what screws up the CSS you try to apply.
Try using the !important css tag.

This would make the max width 100px no mater what.
But the height can be anywhere between 1px and 150px.
.avatar {
width: 100px !important;
max-height: 150px;
just wrap it in a div called profileimage and apply the class to the image in global css:

<div class="profileimage">{$avatar}</div>

.profileimage img {
width: 8em;
max-width: 8em;
height: auto;