2014-04-01, 01:06 AM
Just a quick question as to what template controls the "avatar" on the member page?
I have set a large avatar (up to 180x180 to upload, 150x150 in thread view settings, etc). I know, I am using a custom Theme with maybe some type of Float.
But, the Member template (member_profile) only has this in it:
Where is it getting this {$avatar} variable and how do I modify it?
I have set a large avatar (up to 180x180 to upload, 150x150 in thread view settings, etc). I know, I am using a custom Theme with maybe some type of Float.
But, the Member template (member_profile) only has this in it:
<div id="profileavatar">{$avatar}</div><br />
Where is it getting this {$avatar} variable and how do I modify it?