MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Any link/page redirects to homepage!
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I'm wondering to see that, all links/pages are rediredting to the homepage.

Please check it yourself > and suggest me what to do.

Thanks in advance.
It appears to be working perfect fine for me...
Nice way to get clicks on your links Big Grin
Actually, it wasn't working for me an hour ago, but it is now.

May have been an SEO plugin messing things up?
Ah! I know whats wrong...I'm sorry houque, but your forums, they....they have cancer....I'll give you a couple mins to collect your thoughts and contact some family members...

Thank you all for your kind reply. In mean time, I found that it was a problem with my Google SEO Plugin. My .htaccess file was changed. I nedded to add some codes to the .htaccess file. Now it's working fine.

(2014-04-03, 06:52 AM)Leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Nice way to get clicks on your links Big Grin

Dear Leefish, please try to think positive and boarden your mind. Thanks.
Dear houque, what can you mean? Thanks.

PS dont forget to mark thread as solved.
(2014-04-03, 07:08 AM)LordOfSpoon Wrote: [ -> ]Ah! I know whats wrong...I'm sorry houque, but your forums, they....they have cancer....I'll give you a couple mins to collect your thoughts and contact some family members...

Thanks for your feedback. Would you please tell me in detail? I appreciate your feedback.