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Galen Wrote:
Tikitiki Wrote:The information should be private - Between us and the site owners.
I disagree. Name and shame. I'd be more than happy to organize forum raids on all 60 Big Grin
That's just why it should be private, most of them are people who don't understand/changed it to another language.
Yeah but they deserver no privacy...If they cant follow such SIMPLE rules/license then they shall get no privacy...Also if this would happen what could you guys do? Say if I made a site and removed it, (which I wont but example)
NightRider Wrote:Yeah but they deserver no privacy...If they cant follow such SIMPLE rules/license then they shall get no privacy...Also if this would happen what could you guys do? Say if I made a site and removed it, (which I wont but example)

Actually, they do. We can't just post who does it, that would be wrong of us. If you don't get that I don't see the point in explaining it either.

We (Chris) sends out a Mail to them telling them they have to have a valid copyright on their site. If they don't follow it we (Chris) sends a mail to the hoster.
I was going to say, you should be able to do something about it...Well could you guys show a screen shot of something like this but blur the name out for I know what to look for now...Thanks
sounds good ( MyBB Report System ) if I'm right, so it's too fair to keep you rights on your software
NightRider Wrote:I was going to say, you should be able to do something about it...Well could you guys show a screen shot of something like this but blur the name out for I know what to look for now...Thanks
When someone removes this from their forum:

Quote:Powered By MyBB
Copyright © 2002-2007 MyBB Group
Or changes it so that it doesn't include both the Powered by MyBB AND the copyright for the MyBB Group.
NightRider Wrote:I was going to say, you should be able to do something about it...Well could you guys show a screen shot of something like this but blur the name out for I know what to look for now...Thanks

Honestly, I don't see why you need a screen shot. People who violate our license agreement either remove or modify the Powered By and/or Copyright notices.

Quote:The MyBB Group has several copyright notices and "powered by" lines embedded within the product. You must not remove, alter or hinder the visibility of any of these statements (including but not limited to the copyright notice at the top of files and the copyright/powered by lines found in publicly visible "templates").
If the PB and/or Copyright isn't in the following format(must also have both link backs) or is some how hidden. It's safe to assume they are violating our license.
Powered by <a href="">MyBB</a>
 Copyright © 2007 <a href="">MyBB Group</a> Wrote:I think it would be a good idea if you guys made a simple contact form on that let's people report whether someone is breaking the MyBB license... For example if they removed the copyright. This would be good for you so you know who is breaking the rules and if you need to contact them.

Send a PM to any of the staff, who will happily post it on our private license violations tracker.

NightRider Wrote:This would be nice but if you could give an example of someone that is? Cause I hardly see anyone breaking MyBB license...

Here a screenshot of what a forum looks like without the copyright and powered by line.


We aren't going to advertise forums that break our license. End of story.
Thread locked.
I would like to add that the new MyBB website will have a report piracy violation page.
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