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Full Version: SQL Error #1064
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Hey guys,

I'm trying to import my database after my host forced me to do it.
Since it's too large for PHPMyAdmin, I had to split it using SQL DumpSplitter2.

After that, I have a file to upload in order to set up the structure of my database, and then I can fill it with the other files.

The problem appears when I try to upload the structure. I get the following error message :

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE mybb_adminlog (
uid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
' at line 21

Here's what appears after line 21 :

CREATE TABLE mybb_adminlog (
uid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ipaddress varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
dateline bigint(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
module varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
action varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
data text NOT NULL,
KEY module (module,action)

INSERT INTO mybb_adminlog VALUES (1, '', 1393837060, 'user-users', 'inline_delete', 'a:1:{i:0;i:6;}');

Here's the detail of the screen :


Do you have an idea ? I just can't see where it comes from.


P.S. : it actually happens for all the tables...
Try this tut ?

I would move the forum to a server i own and import it my self. Thats what i did a year ago ..