MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: How to create a page with buttons which adds you to a group?
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Hello everyone,

Myself and the rest of our staff team at are creating a DayZ roleplay community.

We are very new to mybb and are constantly improving on what we can do, although, now we are stuck.

What we want to create is a tab on the forum page such as "choose your path" when you click it a page pops up.

On this page is 3 pictures:
1) Bandit image with a selectable button underneath
2) Neutral image " " "
3) Hero image " " "

Once you choose the button you want, it adds you to a user group of that chosen path to which you are granted permissions to view threads related to that group where the other groups can not see it. There is no way for the user to revert their choice other than asking an admin.

Here is the concept idea:
[Image: 6fAOXW2.png]

Would anyone be able to assist us?
You can do an sql query in php depending on the link on the buttons (get)