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Full Version: Upgrade help
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Ok, I had 1.x version, and wanted to upgrade, so I uploaded only files it said in readme, and when I went to upgrade.php, I had some error about undefined function not called, or something, so I decided I'd do a clean install, and import my database. So everything went okay, except the import part. I couldn't import cause phpmyAdmin said cannot create table, table already exists, etc... So I decided to delete all tables that were already in the backed up database, and then imported it, went okay then, but then I had an error:

MySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'csscached' in 'field list'
Query: SELECT name, tid, themebits, csscached FROM mybb_themes WHERE def='1'

So I decided to upload install folder, and try to run an upgrade so it creates all SQL tables it needs, and I chose to upgrade from 1.2.1 (chose that from dropdown menu) but when I went to upgrade, it said:

MySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'csscached' in 'field list'
Query: UPDATE mybb_themes SET csscached='0' WHERE tid=''

So any tips on how I can restore the database with newest version? I don't care about my old skin modding, or whatever as it was mostly images, just want to get main databack like uploads, members, and posts.

You'll need to reimport your database with the old backup, and upload the old 1.1.8 files then reconfigure inc/config.php to work with your database again. Then follow the steps in the wiki: [Wiki: Upgrading] (Broken link, head over to instead)
Hmm, yea I did that and used a new ftp client to upload files and it worked.
