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Full Version: redirect invalid forum and invalid thread to home page or index?
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How do I redirect invalid forum and invalid thread to my home page or index page?
Hi really need this one anyone?

How to make this work?

/ Add hooks here
$plugins->add_hook("showthread_end", "invalidthread");

// Plugin info
function invalidthread_info()
	return array(
		"name"			=> "invalidthread",
		"description"	=> "invalidthread",
		"website"		=> "invalidthread",
		"author"		=> "invalidthread",
		"authorsite"	=> "invalidthread",
		"version"		=> "1.0",
		"guid" 			=> "",
		"compatibility" => "16*"

function invalidthread() {

	global $mybb, $thread, $lang;

	if ($l['error_invalidthread']) {
This sounds handy. Wouldn't it better be done through .htaccess though?
(2014-05-10, 06:02 AM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]This sounds handy. Wouldn't it better be done through .htaccess though?

Hi thanks very much for your reply I though about it but don't know how to do it?

My SEO Plugin handles all errors except these I mean 404.....

How can I redirect invalid thread/forum using .htaccess?
Maybe look through this old "bug" report :
Try this in your .htaccess. I would put it above any Google SEO code, but below rewrite engine on.

ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

If that doesn't work out, or optionally... Make your custom 404.html as:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url=">
<title>Page doesn't exist. Redirecting you to homepage...</title>
Page doesn't exist. Redirecting you to homepage...
Content is the # of seconds before it will redirect. Set to 0 to make it immediate.

(obviously change to your domain name.)
@DrXotick thanks very much man.

@Leefish great idea thanks a lot. I will replace all :



if (in_array($mybb->user['usergroup'], array('3','4','6'))) {
redirect("index.php", some error goes here);

Just nailed it thanks Smile

P.S. Do you think I can create a plugin for this without modifying core files?
Just curious. Why would you create a plugin when you can put a single line in .htaccess

Ah. nevermind. I see you only want to target certain usergroups. Cheers.
(2014-05-11, 04:23 PM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious. Why would you create a plugin when you can put a single line in .htaccess

Ah. nevermind. I see you only want to target certain usergroups. Cheers.

Hi I only want to redirect invalid forum, thread, post this is not 404!
Didn't your mom ever teach you not to yell at strangers?
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