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Full Version: Keyword Density tool PHP help?
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How to create a textarea where people will add text and then this code will use that text instead of $str

$str = "I am working on a project where I have to find out the keyword density of the page on the basis of URL of that page. But I am not aware actually what \"keyword Density of a page\" actually means? and also please tell me how can we create a PHP script which will fetch the keyword density of a web page.";

// str_word_count($str,1) - returns an array containing all the words found inside the string
$words = str_word_count(strtolower($str),1);
$numWords = count($words);

// array_count_values() returns an array using the values of the input array as keys and their frequency in input as values.
$word_count = (array_count_values($words));

foreach ($word_count as $key=>$val) {
    echo "$key = $val. Density: ".number_format(($val/$numWords)*100)."%<br/>\n";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Word density</title>
	$str = $_POST['str'];
	$str = "I am working on a project where I have to find out the keyword density of the page on the basis of URL of that page. But I am not aware actually what \"keyword Density of a page\" actually means? and also please tell me how can we create a PHP script which will fetch the keyword density of a web page.";

// str_word_count($str,1) - returns an array containing all the words found inside the string
$words = str_word_count(strtolower($str),1);
$numWords = count($words);

// array_count_values() returns an array using the values of the input array as keys and their frequency in input as values.
$word_count = array_count_values($words);

foreach ($word_count as $key=>$val) {
    echo "$key = $val. Density: ".number_format(($val/$numWords)*100)."%<br/>\n";
<form method="post" action="">
<textarea name="str"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />

I haven't tested but I think it should work. Is there a reason you're posting here as this seems more of a web development issue than a MyBB one?
Thank you so much works great! Could you please make it only check keywords with 3 character and more and it would be great if I could add stopwords words I don't want to cont.
I personally have no idea. That sort of question is more suited to a programming question site such as StackOverflow. Why not try asking some experienced web developers there?
Thanks very much though Smile