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I downloaded the .zip file for MyBB on my Linux server and I am getting ready to install MySQL and PhP on the server so I can get the forum software working. Right now Apache is up and running flawlessly but I was wondering if there was a guide that will show newbies how to get everything up and running?

I have never used MySQL or PhP so this will be a learning experience for me.

Thanks for any positive points in the right direction.
at0mik Wrote:

Thanks - I will give that a look.
OK - I followed the guide in the Wiki. The last thing I did was "chmod" the files as they suggested. Right now I have the entire mybb package I extracted in a file called /home/carlwill/mybb/.

All the files and directories the guide recommended I "chmod" in "mybb" have been completed.

Now - the Wiki moves on to a "Installer" & I have no idea where or how to fire up this "Installer"? The guide never says what to do after I "chmod" the recommended files. How do I fire up the install?
The installer can be found in /home/carlwill/mybb/install/.

So in your browser, go to http://<replace_with_your_domain>/mybb/install/
Oh - so I will need to move the "mybb" folder that has everything under my document root for Apache in order for that to work, right? (sorry - that may seem like the worst question ever)

tunafish:/home/cwilliams/mybb/Upload# cd /home/cwilliams/
tunafish:/home/cwilliams# ls
files  mybb  tools
tunafish:/home/cwilliams# mv mybb/ /var/www/
tunafish:/home/cwilliams# cd /var/www/
tunafish:/var/www# ls
index.html  mybb
Bah - obviously did something wrong.

Page Can't Be Displayed Sad

Perhaps I should better explain. The "mybb" is my users home directory ( /home/carlwill/mybb/ )

tunafish:/home/carlwills# ls
files  mybb  tools
tunafish:/home/carlwill# cd mybb/
tunafish:/home/carlwill/mybb# ls
Documentation  Upload

There in "mybb" you can see the only 2 folders/directories I have are Docs & Upload.

My Apache web server is ran from /var/www/index.html. The index.html is the only thing running on my Apache web server and it displays fine when I go to

What am I missing to kick of the mybb installation?
no, only transfare the files and folders, inside the upload folder
pepotiger Wrote:no, only transfare the files and folders, inside the upload folder

While you posted I explained how my server is set up so that may help with pointing me in the right direction or identifying my mistake(s).

What do you mean "Only transfer the files & folders inside the upload folder"?

Do you mean this "Upload" folder and its files?

tunafish:/home/cwilliams/mybb/Upload# ls
admin              images           newthread.php    sendthread.php
announcements.php  inc              online.php       showteam.php
archive            index.php        polls.php        showthread.php
attachment.php     install          portal.php       stats.php
calendar.php       jscripts         printthread.php  syndication.php
captcha.php        managegroup.php  private.php      uploads
css                member.php       ratethread.php   usercp.php
css.php            memberlist.php   report.php       usercp2.php
editpost.php       misc.php         reputation.php   xmlhttp.php
forumdisplay.php   moderation.php   rss.php
global.php         newreply.php     search.php

Where do I put them? Do I just dump the whole mess in /var/www for Apache?
Carlwill Wrote:Do you mean this "Upload" folder and its files?

tunafish:/home/cwilliams/mybb/Upload# ls
admin              images           newthread.php    sendthread.php
announcements.php  inc              online.php       showteam.php
archive            index.php        polls.php        showthread.php
attachment.php     install          portal.php       stats.php
calendar.php       jscripts         printthread.php  syndication.php
captcha.php        managegroup.php  private.php      uploads
css                member.php       ratethread.php   usercp.php
css.php            memberlist.php   report.php       usercp2.php
editpost.php       misc.php         reputation.php   xmlhttp.php
forumdisplay.php   moderation.php   rss.php
global.php         newreply.php     search.php

Where do I put them? Do I just dump the whole mess in /var/www for Apache?

No I mean, upload the contnent of the upload folder.
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