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Full Version: Wrong reputation report link
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Unless I misunderstand something, reputation link should lead to the actual reported reputation. Right now it links to "bad user's" (the one who added rep) reputation which may not even exist:
					$reputation_link = "reputation.php?uid={$usercache[$report['id2']]['uid']}#rid{$report['id']}";
					$bad_user = build_profile_link($usercache[$report['id2']]['username'], $usercache[$report['id2']]['uid']);
					$report_data['content'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->report_info_reputation, $reputation_link, $bad_user);

					$good_user = build_profile_link($usercache[$report['id3']]['username'], $usercache[$report['id3']]['uid']);
					$report_data['content'] .= $lang->sprintf($lang->report_info_rep_profile, $good_user);
($report['id2'] is used for both $reputation_link and $bad_user as you can see)

EDIT: also, just wondering why there is this variable:
$string = "report_info_{$report['type']}";
being used only for one $report['type']
When creating an issue directly, make sure to link to it:

(that or Push it next time Toungue)
$report['type'] can come in handy if a forum is using Profile Comments for example. It makes life much easier for plugin authors. I actually was going to deal with making a report feature for Social Groups.