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Full Version: What is merge threads and how to use it?
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Could someone please explain how to use merge threads feature?

Thread: Hello World

User: ace
Post 1: Hello
User: Marcus:
post 2: Hello to you

Thread Hello
.. Blah blah

What happens is you choose 2 threads and posts get merged into one thread.
What happens the to urls and content?
Content is merged, and url is taken from first one.


We take thread 1 with url of

and merge it into thread 2 with the url of

Now when you goto it will have them posts.

we have a thread with tile "Thread 1" with 5 posts and url

and we have thread with tile "Thread 2" with 3 posts and url

Now we merge Thread 2 with Thread 1 as below....

[Image: image.png]

after the merge there will be only one thread with title Thread 1 with 8 posts and url
+1 guys gonna test it on localhost thanks