MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Limit Members Shown in Who's Online
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I'd like a plugin that limits the members shown in Who's Online, for example it displays the name of x amount of members, and then writes "and 280 more members and 55588 guests" for example.

If the limit was 20 (ACP configurable) it would be like:

Bob, Bill, Freddy, Johnny, Albert, Robert, John, Max, Amy, Adam, Jack, Lucy, jackstormkiller885, themaddude, horseplay55, Laura, Dave, pabfn58, jfnfnz55, erjtj5588, 2885 other members and 85 guests

Ignore the terrible layout and name choice though, first things that came to mind. Obviously alphanumerically ordered too.

Oh, and yes this is indeed paid if private.