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Is it possible to create a loading page when forum is loading?
What do you mean by a "loading page"? The forum shouldn't take that long to load that you need a "loading" page. Do you mean like the portal feature?
I Want a loading page that appears one time only , when they go to forums
andi ll edit it using codes
Like a splash page?

You can put your MyBB installation in, then put your splash page in You can use a meta redirect after so many seconds to take them in to the forums or have a "click to enter" button.
(2014-07-25, 02:55 PM)MuhammedSuleiman Wrote: [ -> ]I Want a loading page that appears one time only , when they go to forums
andi ll edit it using codes

are you saying you want a page (that does nothing unless you are using cloudflare) that delays the login to the forum to give the user the idea you are validating their ip address ? I have notice this practice for some reason appears to be attached to quite a few gaming boards but I am unsure what use it actually is