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Full Version: Unsure what this box is and can't get rid (maybe from a plugin!)
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This is the image I mentioned. It has no name. If I put anything into it. It'll say checking if it's valid but never goes past it. Due to this I think I can't get new people to register as it causes an error.

The error it causes is this -


MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1062 - Duplicate entry '' for key 'loginname'
INSERT INTO mybbusers (`username`,`password`,`salt`,`loginkey`,`email`,`postnum`,`avatar`,`avatartype`,`usergroup`,`additionalgroups`,`displaygroup`,`usertitle`,`regdate`,`lastactive`,`lastvisit`,`website`,`icq`,`aim`,`yahoo`,`msn`,`birthday`,`signature`,`allownotices`,`hideemail`,`subscriptionmethod`,`receivepms`,`receivefrombuddy`,`pmnotice`,`pmnotify`,`showsigs`,`showavatars`,`showquickreply`,`showredirect`,`tpp`,`ppp`,`invisible`,`style`,`timezone`,`dstcorrection`,`threadmode`,`daysprune`,`dateformat`,`timeformat`,`regip`,`longregip`,`language`,`showcodebuttons`,`away`,`awaydate`,`returndate`,`awayreason`,`notepad`,`referrer`,`referrals`,`buddylist`,`ignorelist`,`pmfolders`,`warningpoints`,`moderateposts`,`moderationtime`,`suspendposting`,`suspensiontime`,`coppauser`,`classicpostbit`,`usernotes`) VALUES ('Testing','86d7fec5c225e0d4a34d66febc9646e3','qaPwtH3r','YqdMYxjzn5N8Oza44spPyJAqRpSPCIvJ8pSUODk6V25WrRk19R','[email protected]','0','','','2','','0','','1407804170','1407804170','1407804170','','0','','','','','','1','0','0','1','0','1','0','1','1','1','1','0','0','0','0','10','2','linear','0','','','','1444812237','','1','0','0','0','','','0','0','','','','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','')
Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
Do you have any username/registration field related plugins on your forum if so what kind?
I had the Steam login, I removed it due to not needed no more. It is all 100% gone BUT it's showing in config the Steam login for api adding etc. I can't get rid. Only one I tried.
I am sure it would be that and the only way would be dropping the fields/tables for Steam on the MyBB database. I'm not 100% sure what database and fields are needed though.
did you check in Member Templates >> member_register template and see any unwanted codes added before the username field...
Fixed, it had username and login. I removed login which Steam made, you guys are the best! Thanks a tonne.