MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Click on Post will redirect to Reply Thread.
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When clicking on someone elses post it will automatically redirect to reply thread.

Also when clicking in the 'quick reply' box, it will open another window to 'full reply'.

I've looking around but have no clue why it is, or even how to make it normal again.

Here's a login to use:
Pass: test123

Thanks in Advance,

EDIT: Note that this is only in the private forums, public forums are not affected by this problem.
please post your forum url when you seek help related to posting issues in your forum.
anyway, post showthread_newreply template of your forum's current active theme
I have fixed it, thanks.

I just needed to know where to find it, there was a large space between the last </div>, that caused it, thanks again Smile
I'm still having the issue.

Main problem: Click on a users post will redirect to reply window, click in quick reply window will redirect to full reply.

This is my website:

login: test, pass test123

It's in every forum.

Current html in showthread_newreply:

<a class="button" href="newreply.php?tid={$tid}">{$lang->post_reply_img}
<div style="padding-top: 4px;" class="float_left">

Thanks in advance,
^ add </a> at the bottom (after </div>)
Works, thank you!!