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I would like to change my reputation background colour on my website.

user: test
user pass: test123

I have found some of them in global.css but I can't pinpoint the exact one to change that background colour.
Anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance,
you can follow this suggestion
I've seen that, but it changed the upper window colour, I need the lower that is currently green.
^ oh!
you can change background colors of .trow_reputation_positive , .trow_reputation_negative , .trow_reputation_neutral
Correct, this is all I can find on reputations in global.css:

.trow_reputation_positive {
background: #ccffcc;
color: white;

.reputation_background {
background: black !important;


.trow_reputation_negative {
background: #ffcccc;
color: white;

.reputation_positive {
color: white;

.trow_reputation_positive a,
.trow_reputation_negative a {
color: white;

.reputation_neutral {
color: #444;

.reputation_negative {
color: red;

.trow changes the background colour of the name (pos,neg,neutral) in the reputation window, and .reputation just changes the colour of the name.

I'm looking for the green colour in the background Smile
^ you can use black color (#000000) for the background of .trow_reputation_positive
.trow_reputation_positive {
background: #000000;
That worked, thank you buddy! Smile