2014-08-15, 01:24 PM
2014-08-15, 01:48 PM
Admin CP > Configuration > Date and Time Format > Default Time Zone. Changing that will adjust the default one (for new users and guests), to change it for yourself you then need to go to User CP > Edit Options and set the timezone there.
2014-08-15, 02:05 PM
Okay so I did this, and this might be the problem, I dont know. So right after I did this and I tried to click view forum http://gyazo.com/74da2820c7163cd885ff49e1992ba5f3 happened... What the eggplant happened? http://lokigaming.site.nfoservers.com/Fourm/ See for yourself
2014-08-15, 02:08 PM
Oh! And after I changed domains, I changed it from spaceman.site.nfoservers.com and I already changed the cookies so it was fine, but now it thinks its back on my old domain?
2014-08-15, 02:15 PM
ALSO this http://gyazo.com/3e91f44e221ab4829c8bbdb0948dc26c is what my homepage now looks like.
2014-08-15, 02:23 PM
Oh, I poked around all the php files for abit and I got it, thanks anyway.