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Full Version: Big error measage HELP!
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Please look on my forums, the error measage is there!

it looks like php compatibility related issue. contact your web host.

you may like to hide those warnings.
Admin Panel >> Configuration >> Settings >> Server and Optimization Options
--> change the error logging medium to Hide Warnings & save the settings
They said: We have reviewed your account and could not find any issues with your hosting plan. The type of error you are experiencing is most likely caused by coding or scripting. Because we do not provide coding support, we are unable to determine what specifically in your code may be causing the error. However, the following may be of some assistance in diagnosing the problem:

If you are on cPanel hosting, some php related errors can be alleviated by changing your php version.

Most of our hosting accounts support some version of PHP. If your account does, which version you use displays in your control panel.
^ this reply might help
Is it my PHP version?
^ most probably, yes. at present you can hide the warnings as suggested earlier or downgrade php version
How do i downgrade?
there should be a option to change the php version at your web host control panel. may be you can ask your web host