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Full Version: index footer
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The index footer, not the main footer, should be on the search results page. This is the part I am talking about:

Log Out | Mark All Forums Read | Forum Team | Forum Statistics

Once I view the "getnew" results, i should be able to log out and mark read without having to go to the top to log out or to the index to mark read
I agree.... Destroy666 said he would work on this... but not sure about the current status/progress....
Cool. then this is a friendly reminder Big Grin

I have implemented this on all my 1.6 forums and have requested it before as well
let's hope they agree and implement this before 1.8 becomes gold....
and in 1.6 its not just a template edit because when that footer is made, the logouteky is not available and it needs to be made global.