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Full Version: Strict ur rule relaxed
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Are you a strict or rule relaxed forum owner? I can be rule relaxed at times but strict also. Usually my forums operating a 3 strikes you're out policy so they get three chances. That is more than enough for anyone.
We utilise a warning system, and offences carry different warning levels depending on the mod that is warning you. Some apply 5%, some 50%.

In other words, it gets your attention.
Yeah, we use the warning system too. We have a bunch of template warnings that we give out and let the forum do stuff automatically at certain warning levels (24hr ban @70%. 3 day ban at 100%, and us moderators discuss any further action).
I think it's more about "simple vs. complex" rather than "strict vs. relaxed." Simply put; I don't think a list of rules should be necessary for a community, unless it's specific to the community's subject matter (e.g. don't talk about Digimon on this Pokémon forum, or something).

People know when they're being jerks. has a warning system and it works well for a younger audience since they can clearly identify what went wrong and correct it in the future, and there are real-life infractions that can affect your online account (e.g. not submitting tournament results properly or on-time, get a warning).

On, no warning system. Troublesome users get banned.
I'm usually relaxed, but if someone violates major rules they get a warning / ban depending on the offense no questions asked.
im a relaxed admin. my philosophy is, dont look at me like a tyranical, over zealous control freak, like some people i know but think of me like a regular member. i dont bite! but if someone pushes my buttons too much, well then, pow! wham!
Never create a rule you don't intend to enforce. As soon as people see one exception, they test the fences. I tend to only have a few hard rules (mostly dealing with legal stuff) and some fuzzy rules about keeping the site family friendly.
The better streams I frequent have loose rules they consistently enforce. The generality helps keep them from needed a lawyer to draft the rules document, and covers edge cases more strict rules would miss, but allows for obvious exceptions.

I think "don't be a grape" is probably the first rule anything should have, and from there more specific rules (i.e. the streams I follow have "ask before linking" and "decisions are final, don't be passive-aggressive to staff over them").
I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to rules for my forums. Unless someone breaks that rule or other rules many times over. I go with 5 to give them a chance to change their ways.