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How long does it take for an activation email to be send? Is there a setting for this or a task?
That depends on what you're using. If you're using php mail() you probably can find that in php.ini but keep in mind that is the delay not speed at being sent.

If it's Pops or something that depends on your server, and the other server receiving it.

For example:

Lets say a user from japan sends an email to umm Germany it will take faster then a email being sent from canada to Usa. Because its closer.

What happens is it bounces off large servers.

[Image: Howemailworks.png]
Notice the 3 routers? Well the more farther the more routers it has to travel.
Thanks for this great explanation but it's been like more than 3h and yet no email.
(2014-08-21, 12:41 AM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for this great explanation but it's been like more than 3h and yet no email.

Got caught in junk mail? Server has no mail server? Many things to check. But 3h is a very long period, usually if it doesn't arrive within 10 minutes (assuming the mail has no attachments) then something went wrong.

Unfortunately PHP's mail() function would return TRUE if the mail has been correctly SET for delivery and not correctly DELIVERED.
Quote:Returns TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted for delivery, FALSE otherwise.

It is important to note that just because the mail was accepted for delivery, it does NOT mean the mail will actually reach the intended destination.

Although more than enough if mail() returns TRUE then the mail would be delivered, sometimes it doesn't. mail() is the default e-mailing function on MyBB
Yahoo mail didn't get the email however Gmail get in right away. Is there a but or something?
Anything in your mail log in the ACP?
Anything in your mail logs (If you can access them on your host)?

I'd recommend using an SMTP server over PHP's mail() as it'll retry the sending.
All email logs are empty! Yeah I use PHP mail what is the downside of using this over SMTP server and which one is the best and have minimum problems?
(2014-08-21, 01:14 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]All email logs are empty! Yeah I use PHP mail what is the downside of using this over SMTP server and which one is the best and have minimum problems?

mail() actually just sends the email over SMTP. So, either way you're using the SMTP.
Any idea why I didn't get the activation email on Yahoo? I have checked junk/spam box too.
(2014-08-21, 04:17 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]Any idea why I didn't get the activation email on Yahoo? I have checked junk/spam box too.

Well is your mail handler setup right? Are you on a vps or shared hosting?
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