So I love the MyBB software and helping out the community. I have made one theme in the past called Metamorph and I just finished my second one, an I am awaiting validation from the mybb staff. Since MyBB 1.6.15 is the last 1.6x release, should I spend time figuring out how the 1.8 theme system works? I mean since I am a beginner designer, it takes me a while to complete a theme. My most recent one took me 7 days because there were a lot of issues that I had to fix. Yeah I know thats pretty slow. Anyways, will the 1.8 theme system be significantly dfiferent that I should download the beta and see how it works? Or should I just continue working on 1.6x themes. I mean if 1.8 comes out, I wouldn't want to work on 1.6 just like when 1.6 came out, I wouldn't have wanted to make 1.4 themes.
The actual theme system is unchanged, creating themes for 1.8 will be exactly the same as 1.6, you may just have to style one or two more things to cater for the new features on the front end (i.e. new templates, new links, header has a new layout etc).
You should probably start building them for 1.8 though in the sense that they would include the HTML for the new features.
Does that answer your question?
Yes. Thank you very much. Also, I heard that you will not be able to update from the beta, does that effect anything? Like is the beta template system different from the gold release?
No, it means we don't officially support upgrading from betas; in the upgrade script that you have to run to update the database, we list old versions for you to choose which version you're coming from, but we won't list betas in there, as you should never really upgrade a live forum to a beta. There may be a few template or CSS changes made between betas though, so if you're building themes based on a beta, make sure you take note of any changes that are made in future betas and then gold.
Ah i see thank you. Would you mind linking me to the beta download?
Alright thanks a bunch