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Full Version: Too many bugs in my forum.
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PHP firewall won't detect DDoS attacks or prevent people from accessing directories.
I suggest you use MyBB like the rest of us and stop looking at that nonsense report. As mentioned numerous times before, they are all false positives (or security problems with your 3rd party plugins). There is nothing wrong with MyBB.
A DDoS attack would need to be handled at a server level and isn't a MyBB issue anyway.

Like I say, unless this report explains why it thought the checks failed, i.e. if it provides example URLs, then I wouldn't worry about it.
To me this report looks like scam, similar to various advertisements which suddenly popup on some webpages and display warning 'we just found that your PC have a virus - download our super scanner and test your PC' - and if you download it - your PC is doomed because this 'scanner' is a virus.
Yeaa guys, move this thread to closed please.
I Asked others and said it is fake also checked in other page it says my forum it's safe.
Thanks for your replies.
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