Allow users to decide what field/info from their profile is visible to whom.
Viewable by ALL ( guests and members )
Viewable by MEMBERS ONLY
Viewable by FRIENDS ONLY
Viewable by NO ONE ( except self / self+admins only )
I agree with this. It kind of reminds me of FB.
Profile page should be re-thought anyway, it's been practically the same since 1.2
(2014-08-27, 05:37 PM)dragonexpert Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with this. It kind of reminds me of FB.
Unlike FB, MyBB Profiles don't really have any information which you would consider "sensitive".
For the most part, it would probably be standard stuff like post count, registration date, etc.
Nothing which really needs to be kept a secret.
(2014-08-29, 03:51 AM)Axareal Wrote: [ -> ] (2014-08-27, 05:37 PM)dragonexpert Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with this. It kind of reminds me of FB.
Unlike FB, MyBB Profiles don't really have any information which you would consider "sensitive".
For the most part, it would probably be standard stuff like post count, registration date, etc.
Nothing which really needs to be kept a secret.
I agree completely with MyBB's current profile. Everything it contains is pretty essential, so permissions and privacy options would be useless for most forums. However, I can see MyBB 2.0 going for an overhaul of the current profiles. In the situation where users can upload images to their profiles for example, it can't hurt to have some privacy and/or permissions options. I think it depends largely on how advanced MyBB 2.0 profiles will be.
I think I have to agree with this myself.
(2014-08-27, 03:24 PM)Vanz Wrote: [ -> ]Allow users to decide what field/info from their profile is visible to whom.
Viewable by ALL ( guests and members )
Viewable by MEMBERS ONLY
Viewable by FRIENDS ONLY
Viewable by NO ONE ( except self / self+admins only )
Maybe NOT the field, but the ENTIRE PROFILE (?)
I don't like my stalkers knowing "You was last online Dec. 11th @4:06 AM"
or "You are viewing (insert thread name, or users profile name here)"
or "Bob , Mary, John, Peter and..." viewed your profile

I'm not sure it would be a great idea to split everything up like that, but possibly having such options for things like profile comments, the buddy list, and certainly the entire profile would be handy.
I'm not omnispective
But yes, this could be useful. It might also have to hide some info from the postbit too, if an admin decides to show certain fields there. Perhaps another option for profile fields to determine if they're hide-able?
Quote:Unlike FB, MyBB Profiles don't really have any information which you would consider "sensitive".
I disagree. And maybe if the profiles had permissions (private, buddy, all) then it might get used in better ways.
I am all for this as a feature.