MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Put user stats on Index
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Ok so this is an issue I have been working on for the past 5 hours and can simply not figure it out.

Here is what my forum currently looks like:
Screenshot of top:
[Image: ttjwBrH.png]
Screenshot of Middle:
[Image: Ji05E8J.png]

I would like to add a #121212 box around users stats and username and avatar off to the right, pretty much the easiest way to explain this is to make a photo in paint on how I want it to look.

This is what I want on the right sidebar area:
[Image: tof2HY6.png]

If anyone can help me make this happen I would be very grateful!
I have tried copying the code from the post bit but for some reason post wont work on index only mybb->user will. Sad Any help would be amazing!

Try: Admin ACP - Templates and themes - Index and where you want add avatar:

<img src="{$mybb->user['avatar']}" height="xxxpx" width="xxxpx" />

I have tried this and I look my avatar