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Full Version: How do I add a border to avatars?
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Hello guys,

Friendly neighbourhood newbie here with another easy one. I'm looking to make it so that every avatar that loads up on the post and in profile has a 1 px solid #252525 border around it. Also, if anyone could clarify if the templates and themes are programmed in CSS, XHTML or PHP (or whatever) I would be appreciative. Thanks!
Can't anyone help?
The templates are HTML styled with CSS. The php is just for te dynamic processes.

for the Avatars..

1- For the postbit
go to Admin CP > Templates > Modify / Delete > EXPAND > Postbit templates > postbit_avatar

There i guess you you can figure out what to do for the <img> tag.

2- For the profile
open ./member.php find

		$avatar = "<img src=\"$memprofile[avatar]\" alt=\"\" $avatar_width_height />";

Also there you do the same steps, but make sure to escape the quotations (ex \"something\")

zaher1988 Wrote:The templates are HTML styled with CSS. The php is just for te dynamic processes.

for the Avatars..

1- For the postbit
go to Admin CP > Templates > Modify / Delete > EXPAND > Postbit templates > postbit_avatar

There i guess you you can figure out what to do for the <img> tag.

I've already tried that. No border shows up on the avatar when I modify the IMG tag, or if I add a <div> around it with a border. I've modified the {$post['avatar']} part in Postbit Templates > postbit_authoruser by adding a <div...border:1pt> around it and it works for the most part. However, if someone does not post an avatar, an empty table with a border appears regardless. I don't want that. I want to be able to directly modify the avatar's programming so an avatar will preload with a border. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Oh damn it.. how i missed that.. this way can only work with clickable images.. anyway let's go back to divs

Open ./inc/functions_post.php

eval("\$post['useravatar'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_avatar")."\";");
Above it add
$style = "style=\"border: thin solid #000000; padding:0px; width:4%\"";

Now the postbit_avatar should look this way

<div {$style}><img src="{$post['avatar']}" alt="" {$avatar_width_height}  /></div>

For the profile it is already working i guess

Brilliance! thank you!!