2014-10-09, 08:05 PM
It's a very new service from Imgur, similar to GFYcat somewhat (which I also made an embed for, here)
But I thought I may as well implement some support on my site for it right now anyway.
Getting [gifv]http://i.imgur.com/zvATqgs.gifv[/gifv] tags to work and embed, and play.
Regular Expression
Replacement (without loading bar, I had trouble implementing it in a working state)
Works with either HTTP or HTTPS when I test the mycode.
But I have a problem.
When i post it on the forum it does not work (or does not load, initial image displays and player controls are able to be opened).
BUT, it does play in a post preview... just then not when posted.
Any ideas on this?
Edit, am using a V2 of the above replacement
Which seems to alleviate some problems, at least in FF 35.0a1
Also, if it makes any difference this is being done on a 1.6.15 board.
But I thought I may as well implement some support on my site for it right now anyway.
Getting [gifv]http://i.imgur.com/zvATqgs.gifv[/gifv] tags to work and embed, and play.
Regular Expression
Replacement (without loading bar, I had trouble implementing it in a working state)
<div class="video-container" style="width: auto; height: auto;">
<video poster="https://i.imgur.com/$1h.jpg" preload="auto" autoplay="autoplay" muted="muted" loop="loop" width="auto" height="auto">
<source src="https://i.imgur.com/$1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="auto" width="auto" data="https://s.imgur.com/include/flash/gifplayer.swf?imgur_video=https://i.imgur.com/$1.mp4&imgur_width=auto&imgur_height=auto">
Works with either HTTP or HTTPS when I test the mycode.
But I have a problem.
When i post it on the forum it does not work (or does not load, initial image displays and player controls are able to be opened).
BUT, it does play in a post preview... just then not when posted.
Any ideas on this?
Edit, am using a V2 of the above replacement
<video poster="https://i.imgur.com/$1h.jpg" preload="auto" autoplay="autoplay" muted="muted" loop="loop" width="660" height="370">
<source src="https://i.imgur.com/$1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
<param name="movie" value="https://s.imgur.com/include/flash/gifplayer.swf?imgur_video=https://i.imgur.com/$1.mp4&imgur_width=660&imgur_height=370" />
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never" />
<param name="flashvars" value="height=370&width=660" />
<param name="width" value="370" />
<param name="height" value="660" />
<param name="version" value="0" />
<param name="scale" value="scale" />
<param name="salign" value="tl" />
<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
Which seems to alleviate some problems, at least in FF 35.0a1
Also, if it makes any difference this is being done on a 1.6.15 board.