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Full Version: Something is wrong with my forum
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This afternoon I started having an issue with a PM notification that would not go away. I replied to it, refreshed the screen and the same PM notification kept appearing. Then I realized I could not log out. I was finally able to log out using two different browsers and log into my admin. Then I was not able log out from my admin or my normal account.

I checked the cookie path and ran check from the AP. Everything looked fine.

I then contacted my ISP and had them do a complete site restore and that still did not fix the problem.

What is happening and how do I fix this?

the site is
Cookie Domain:
Cookie Path: /
Hmm, are you able to delete the board cookies via the help documents? If not, perhaps try clearing cookies out from your browser? I imagine it's probably some sort of cookie issue if server backup restoration hasn't resolved the issue.
(2014-11-13, 03:38 AM)Darth Apple Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, are you able to delete the board cookies via the help documents? If not, perhaps try clearing cookies out from your browser? I imagine it's probably some sort of cookie issue if server backup restoration hasn't resolved the issue.

I have cleared my browser cookies several times. and closed out my browser. It happens on multiple machines and the board is no longer functioning properly for my users. I'm not sure where to clear board cookies.
Hmm, that is odd then. There is not a way to clear cookies for all users at once, the best you can do is delete the cookies for your browser. DId the issue occur after a forum upgrade or an installation of a plugin by any chance?
(2014-11-13, 03:53 AM)Darth Apple Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, that is odd then. There is not a way to clear cookies for all users at once, the best you can do is delete the cookies for your browser. DId the issue occur after a forum upgrade or an installation of a plugin by any chance?

No. I did install a background image into the template last night, but the problem didn't occur until later today. A complete site restore from my ISP did not solve the problem.

This is not a browser issue. It is happening to all my members as well.
check whether this doc helps