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Full Version: Thank you mybb system broken images?
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all of a sudden the thanks and unthanks have become broken images

[Image: 611027e8be8f4c8b9aa5f246df6a9442.png]

[Image: 1cee2556e7da736c41ec6b0bfe256db2.png]

[Image: 0f77a4feb52af2a69c115eef485da826.png]

Anyone know how i an fix this?
Run task of thanks ammount per day your servermaybe goes down or task dont execute for sosome reason.

Review group permission of thx_ammount and set a higher number and make sure task was executed every 24 hours.

Thats all !
(2014-11-16, 09:25 PM)Dark Neo Wrote: [ -> ]Run task of thanks ammount per day your servermaybe goes down or task dont execute for sosome reason.

Review group permission of thx_ammount and set a higher number and make sure task was executed every 24 hours.

Thats all !

Thank you Smile
Same problem here.
Where I can set daily limits for tnx given?
On admin cp maintenance, search for tasks and run the task, that's all.
doubt he needs help anymore since the forum is shutdown.