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Full Version: Test Forum - Help please
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i'm very new to the whole PHP and mySQL thing. i used to work with asp and access,withcih was a little easier to udnerstand.

anyways. so i have a main forum uploaded right now, but i also want to add a testforum on my server, so i could test it without breaking.

how do i set it up? do i need to make a new mySQL database? or just copy and paste the files that already exist into a new folder?

stupid question, i know, but i appreciate any help you can give.

You will either need to make a new database or install the second forum with a different table prefix.

For instance, say your initial forum was installed with the prefix "mybb_" (the default), you would have to change that to something else when installing the second forum.

And yes, you also need to upload all the files again to a new folder.
ok, i was more confused with the database.
Thanks Smile