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Full Version: URGENT* Simple Plugin Needed $$
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I need a Simiple plugin which can hide content using [Hide] tags. The content will be showen when the user replys on the thread. This feature is used on IP.baord print screen shown below. I am fully awere there are similar plugins like these however they are for 1.6.x so they wont work for 1.8.x (tried) Also dont mind converting the old one so its compatiable. Just need a working Plugin which dose this. ASAP

[Image: ljSs6T3.png]
Did you check this one? Works nicely on 1.8 here:
(2014-11-23, 11:29 PM)Lennart Sauter Wrote: [ -> ]Did you check this one? Works nicely on 1.8 here:

i Tried but requires me to be a sub also says comaptiable with 1.6

haven't herd back will appreciate a reply thanks.