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Full Version: Forum/Usergroup Selection in a plugin
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I make plugins for my board that require selection of forum ids or usergroups to pull data from and currently I use a text box with a comma separated list of forums/usergroup ids, which is kind of clunky.

It would be really nice if I could have a dropdown list of all the forums/usergroups, like there is in the ACP settings, but I am unsure how to do this.

Any tips?
Well i think the most usefull and functional is to use:


instead text, textarea or watever you want.

Then add the sentence to search with


this for usergroups and i use in_array to forumselect.

Well this way is how it works i found it and i use on all my paid plugins so, i think this not have more troubles like the way you add this options.
DarkNeo, thanks for the quick reply, but I don't really understand Toungue

Do you have a code snippet I can study?
Note that the build in select boxes also include radio buttons for none and all and always allow multiple selections.

@Lee: simply set "forumselect" or "groupselect" as your settingscode (optionscode column in settings table)

	$setting = array(
        'sid'          => 'NULL',
        'name'         => 'usegroups_for_my_plugin',
        'title'        => 'Usergroups use this plugin ',
        'description'  => 'Select usergroups who can use my plugin',
        'optionscode' => 'text',
        'value'        => '',
        'disporder'    => 1,
        'gid'          => intval( $gid )

That code was used as text and the change is on that part:

	$setting = array(
        'sid'          => 'NULL',
        'name'         => 'usegroups_for_my_plugin',
        'title'        => 'Usergroups use this plugin ',
        'description'  => 'Select usergroups who can use my plugin',
        'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
        'value'        => '',
        'disporder'    => 1,
        'gid'          => intval( $gid )

you can see the change and that's all xD.

When you call to this on your function like:

function my_usergroups{
 global $mybb;

// return data what you want to set like all data loaded or show contents or any
// return another thing otherwise

And that's easy xD.
Wow, thanks guys, I shall go test it. This option is only available in 1.8.x I think?
Yep, both was added in 1.8.0. Note that is_member doesn't handle all/none correctly (at least not before 1.8.4)
I dont really know that function (Blush)

Usually, if I am adding a usergroup criteria I use this snip:

//Set the groups allowed to do this
		$access = false;

		// Get the viewers usergroup and any additional group they are in
		$groups = explode(',',$mybb->settings['setting_value']);

		// Additional Groups
		$additionalgroups = explode(",",$mybb->user['additionalgroups']);

		if(in_array($mybb->user['usergroup'], $groups))
		foreach($additionalgroups as $additionalgroup)
			if(in_array($additionalgroup, $groups))

Its a neat function - I use it a lot. I would like to keep using it, unless is_member does the same thing?
is_member does (nearly) the same thing:
if(is_member($mybb->settings['foo']) || $mybb->settings['foo'] == -1)
	// user belongs to this group

if(my_strpos(','.$mybb->settings['foo'].',', ','.(int)$fid.',') !== false || $mybb->settings['foo'] == -1)
	// forum belongs to this forum list

And yes, is_member does the same. It can even be used for forums but I prefer not to (I already did in some of my plugins though).

is_member will return true for -1 in future version but right now you need the extra check.