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Full Version: A few simple code questions
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I'm currently using this as a test site to get everything working ( in case I mess something up ) before I transfer the code to my actual site.

I have almost everything working, but I can't seem to get:

Issue Two
I want to add space between each forum. There's a small space between each category, but the forums seem crowded. Where do I go to edit the space between the forums?

Issue Three

Is there a code to display avatars outside of the forums? This code used to work in 1.6, but I can't seem to find a code that works in 1.8
a break line can be added at the bottom of forumbit_depth2_forum template
avatars can be displayed outside the forums. code working on MyBB 1.6.x should also work on MyBB 1.8.x

first issue is missing! and your tryout forum is on MyBB 1.6.x
I figured out my first issue just after I posted this. (:

I didn't even notice that my tryout forum was 1.6, whoops. I thought I was using the 1.8 version.

Adding a line break to the bottom of forumbit_depth2_forum adds more space between the categories, rather than the individual forums, unless I'm putting it in the wrong place. I've tried it both before and after the </tr> tag.

As for the avatar, will default avatars not display on the index? I'm using {$mybb->user['avatar']} and the only thing that shows up is the word "avatar."
for the space between forums, instead of line break you can try <tr class="mybrk"></tr>
and add height style property for class mybrk in the global.css (eg. .mybrk {height: 2px;})

where exactly you need to show user avatar
Awesome. That worked great. Thank you!

I'm trying to display the avatar in the welcomeblock section of the header, in my sidebar.
Using Template conditionals :

<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=profile&amp;uid={$mybb->user['uid']}"><if ($mybb->user['avatar']) then><img src="{$mybb->user['avatar']}" height="30px" width="30px" align="top" class="miniav rotate"/><else><img src="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/images/default_avatar.png" height="30px" width="30px" align="top" class="miniav rotate"/></if></a>

edit avatar height and class to your own board

Template conditionals:
Awesome. That worked out well. (: Thank you both for your help!