This had never happened to me before. Announces published in portal shows the bbcode instead the correct format.
![[Image: 8223e8dcfc.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/a1aa4d866641a0bc2d37eca600366bdad7c39185/687474703a2f2f7075752e73682f654a43526a2f383232336538646366632e706e67)
ACP->Forums & Posts->Announcements->Click the announcement and make sure Enable MyCode is selected. Youcan also do this in the Mod CP.
I mean this announcements. Anyway, the MyCode is allowed in all forums.
![[Image: 41a6ac9238.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/f6d4eb07b2157132d6c338166ce25fc4a5a2ff0c/687474703a2f2f7075752e73682f654d6648312f343161366163393233382e706e67)
in general Portal announcement takes the same settings as the Forum settings.... check whether "Yes, allow MyCode in posts" is enabled for that forum (ACP >> Forums and Posts >> Select That Forum >> Edit forum settings)
I checked previously
![[Image: 9fb97f506b.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/7084390bfa3a9ed41234aa2ae740d18a531f3863/687474703a2f2f7075752e73682f654d6c72682f396662393766353036622e706e67)
Not without your board URL, plugin list , ACP -> Tools & Maintenance -> File Verification results and possibly MyBB version.
Ok, thank you very much. I solved the problem by editing a plugin