So, lately we've realized some bugs with the site, when using different browsers besides chrome.
And we're almost clear of them, besides our user nav/tab, is dislocating on other browsers.
Image on chrome:
Image on other browsers:
Please help us try to find the solution, site link
As I can see it from my console, the HTML for the menu top_links bar in your header template (or more prabably in your header_welcome_guest and header_welcome_member templates) is a mess for the part that should come to the right.
Perhaps this can be solved when you show the header_welcome_guest template here.
Remove dropit class from login ul. Move the login ul inside newnavbar div then make newnavbar div 100% width.
Heading out to a meeting otherwise I would provide the code.
This is what your new newnavbar div should kind of resemble:
<div class="newnavbar" style="width: 100%">
<li>your link</li>
<li>your link</li>
<li>your link</li>
<ul class="dropit">your link</ul>
<ul style="float: right">
<font color="white">
Welcome, Guest.
<a class="login" onclick="$('#quick_login').modal({ fadeDuration: 250, keepelement: true }); return false;" href="">
<font color="white">
<a class="register" href="">
Of course, remove your old login / register link that resembles this:
<ul class="dropit" style="float: right">
<font color="white"></font>
<a class="login" onclick="$('#quick_login').modal({ fadeDuration: 250, keepelement: true }); return false;" href=""></a>
<font color="white"></font>
<a class="register" href=""></a>