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Full Version: MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. SQL Error: 1130
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navigate to phpMyAdmin and look at left side column for the database. what you have as prefix there ?
a1358403_mybb (0)
No tables found in database.
^ so there is a problem with the restoring of database backup. do you have earlier database in your computer ? what is its size ?
Im not sure what your asking but I switched domains so I copied the public_html from old domain put in new one.
Worked fine in old one but not the new one.
I can get the old public_html where all website files were?
I also use 000webhost also if you are wondering.
^ database backup is also required from earlier forum to restore that earlier forum.
if you do not have it then earlier forum is lost and you have to start a fresh forum.
I can restore the Database from the old forum in phpMyAdmin is that what I need?
Into SQL form
^ yes. you need database backup from earlier forum.
Okay then what do I do I uploaded them what should I put for the table prefix?
In the config.php
^ after uploading the database look at its table through phpMyAdmin. you can see similar pattern for the tables name
eg. mybb_adminlog , mybb_adminoptions ... => mybb_ is the prefix
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
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