Will you guys release it? It's pretty cool actually even though I have some complaints I do realize it's awesome overall. Was is written by mybb team? Can you PLEASE release it? Even if just in choppy beta with zero support. I would love to implement this onto my political site or possibly even other sites. It can actually be used for greater good than just ideas for mybb. It could become it's own mybb feature that imho would be widely used and sought after. It would definitely attract those that wish for digg like sites and still run a community.
If however the ideas area is not fresh code can you tell me what the base is and would it be possible to get the modification to integrate the mybb member table?
I am very curious about HOW this was implemented.
I was told that it was created for MyBB by MyBB and that it wont be released at all.. I also had already asked Dennis.. I think thats a cool idea though.. release it as a MyBB Feature.. that intergrates into the forums, just like how MyBB has it
Chris made it by himself, and I'm not sure if he made it "portable". I do not know the status of weather he will release it or not.
Unfortunately I can't release it as it runs on my commercial development framework I use for client applications.
As for the MyBB integration, it runs on a class I wrote a while ago which is also running on the MyBB Beta site (you'll notice that site also uses the custom framework). I'll clean it up later and release it here.
As for the code base, it's all developed in to the framework.
I can assist you with parts you're having trouble with though - just let me know which areas you'd like help with.
Do you Zend encode anything? I wouldn't mind if I had to run it encoded.
yer encode if its possible
What was the price of Zend Encoder again, I think $995. I don't think Chris would've bought it.
I have ioncube encoder I paid for if he needs to use it.
Also ioncube allows you to pay for on the fly online encoding. It's as low as $5 or less.
I would pay for it.