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How do I add a showteam page similat to this one.
The website I would like to add it on is
can you elaborate what is special on the referred showteam page .. (compare with 1 & 2)
i dont see much of a difference except few css (color) edits:

may i ask what exactly you are trying to achieve...

EDIT: delayed response...
(2015-02-18, 06:06 AM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]can you elaborate what is special on the referred showteam page .. (compare with 1 & 2)

I just want the forum team page in my navbar. I don't know ho to do that.
ACP >> Templates >> Header Templates >> header, find....

<div class="menu" style="margin-top: 5px;" original-title="">
<----- menu content ---->

and this as the last li element just before </ul>

<li id="nav-staff"> <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/showteam.php" original-title=""><i style="font-size: 14px;" class="fa fa-star fa-fw" original-title=""></i> Staff</a></li>