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Full Version: Please organize the 2.0 Suggestions and Feedback folder
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(2015-02-20, 06:06 PM)martec Wrote: [ -> ]Every day new feature appeared that no one had suggested, but complete roadmap nobody cared.

Yet you're suggesting to pre-accept features again, even though you see that our plans may change anytime in the future. I don't understand... Creating a roadmap now will result in the same thing, because we won't stick to everything in 100%. Ideas better than what we were intended to do may appear during development, especially in its early phases. Should we reject better solutions just because we planned the worse earlier?

I'm not saying that our way to plan development is as good as it should be, but you're contradicting yourself here.
(2015-02-20, 06:56 PM)Destroy666 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-20, 06:06 PM)martec Wrote: [ -> ]Every day new feature appeared that no one had suggested, but complete roadmap nobody cared.

Yet you're suggesting to pre-accept features again, even though you see that our plans may change anytime in the future. I don't understand... Creating a roadmap now will result in the same thing, because we won't stick to everything in 100%. Ideas better than what we were intended to do may appear during development, especially in its early phases. Should we reject better solutions just because we planned the worse earlier?

I'm not saying that our way to plan development is as good as it should be, but you're contradicting yourself here.

better solutions?
worse earlier?
this is not true. Omar created several features that no one either had suggested.
In roadmap several features that what was discussed intensively.
make sense? better solutions where? if I had not insisted on "x votes per userin poll" this feature would not be present today (this one is confirmed feature in roadmap).
The fact that everyone does what he wants.
No communication whatsoever between the developers and those who want to contribute. This is fact It's a mess.

Because this I say is repeat. The folder suggestion as it is now is a waste of time suggest things.
Better suggest thing in Beta 1 has more chance to come true. Since only recent ideas is analyzed in fact. Why otherwise.
The roadmap was never intended to be a compulsory list of features added to MyBB 1.8. It was an excerpt of much longer list of changes we consider to implement however not everything has worked out as expected or was to comprehensive so it was dropped.
That's also the reason why we haven't confirmed much about MyBB 2.0 yet...

Also please note that we mostly discuss features and suggestions internally therefor it is possible that the person creating a ticket on Github wasn't the one suggesting something initially.
(2015-02-21, 11:00 AM)StefanT Wrote: [ -> ]The roadmap was never intended to be a compulsory list of features added to MyBB 1.8. It was an excerpt of much longer list of changes we consider to implement however not everything has worked out as expected or was to comprehensive so it was dropped.
That's also the reason why we haven't confirmed much about MyBB 2.0 yet...

Also please note that we mostly discuss features and suggestions internally therefor it is possible that the person creating a ticket on Github wasn't the one suggesting something initially.

if not possible made anything for now...
so create reject folder to put repeated suggestions to reduce pollution in folder of suggestion.
or suggestions that not has any chance like CMS integration.
This makes it less chaos.
Very thanks to organized 2.0 Suggestions and Feedback folder.
It is now much better Big Grin
Yeah, hopefully it's a bit more understandable. We'll be working through the existing posts and topics to categorise it all correctly over the next week or so.

There's also a new sticky about posting suggestions, with a format and some instructions we'd like users to follow which will make life much easier in the future.
(2015-05-18, 06:30 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, hopefully it's a bit more understandable. We'll be working through the existing posts and topics to categorise it all correctly over the next week or so.

great to hear that. Even for people who are suggesting something, feels closer to development.

(2015-05-18, 06:30 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]There's also a new sticky about posting suggestions, with a format and some instructions we'd like users to follow which will make life much easier in the future.

it was indeed necessary. It will be easier to track progress.
(2016-04-04, 04:03 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Regarding the 2.0 suggestions, there are many without a state as they are either awaiting broader community feedback or are old ones that were migrated across and that I didn't have time to filter through and individually check to accept or reject. When I did the original migration to the new 2.0 forum I set statuses for the threads I knew about off the top of my head. I just haven't gotten around to the others.

You are the only person with that job? Perhaps someone could help you (if there is someone that knows what to reject or accept). And I think, additional prefixes also might help people. ([More Feedback] / [In Consideration] / [Not Much Hope]) I don't criticise in bad faith. I just want to give you feedback: if no one can see any status for years or months people get the impression all these threads are neglected and futile.
Please keep in mind MyBB 2.0 is still in an early stage. While missing major feature a lot of suggestions are about "minor" details. Finishing basic features is more important for us right now.
Then perhaps the call for suggestions is indeed too soon and you should close and re-open it, when you are ready. Smile
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