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Full Version: Tag System
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Can anybody help me I have this plugin and I am trying to make it so that.

Show error when no tags are entered.
Show error is the tag is less than 3 characters long.

Spend time but can't figure how to.

function systemtags_insert_tags_thread(&$thread)
	global $mybb, $db;
		$stags = strip_tags($mybb->input['tags']);
		$tagsht = htmlspecialchars_uni($stags);
		$searchcodes = explode(",", $mybb->input['systemtag_disablecodes']);
		$rtags = str_replace($searchcodes, " ", $tagsht);
		$rtagsp_br = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", " ", $rtags);
		$tags = trim($rtagsp_br);
		$explode = explode(",", $tags);
		$array = array();
		foreach($explode as $tag)
			if(strlen($tag) >= 4)
				$array[] = $tag;
		$insert = implode(", ",$array);
		$insert = $db->escape_string($insert);
		$inserttags = array(
			"tid" => $thread->tid,
			"tags" => $insert
		$aid = $db->insert_id();
		$db->insert_query("tags", $inserttags);
		$stags = strip_tags($thread->data['subject']);
		$tagsht = htmlspecialchars_uni($stags);
		$codes = $mybb->settings['systemtag_disablecodes'];
		$searchcodes = explode(" ",$codes);
		$rtags = str_replace($searchcodes, " ", $tagsht);
		$rtagsp_br = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", " ", $rtags);
		$tags = trim($rtagsp_br);
		$explode = explode(" ", $tags);
		$tags = array();
		$countags = 0;
		foreach($explode as $strlen)
			if(strlen($strlen) >= 4)
				$tags[] = $strlen;
		if($countags < 5)
			$ptags = strip_tags($thread->data['message']);
			$tagshtp = htmlspecialchars_uni($ptags);
			$codes = $mybb->settings['systemtag_disablecodes'];
			$searchcodes = explode(" ",$codes);
			$rtagsp = str_replace($searchcodes, " ", $tagshtp);
			$rtagsp_br = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", " ", $rtagsp);
			$tagsmesaage = trim($rtagsp_br);
			$explodemessage = explode(" ", $tagsmesaage);
			$tagspost = array();
			$countagspost = 0;
			foreach($explodemessage as $strlenpost)
				if(strlen($strlenpost) >= 5)
					$tagspost[] = $strlenpost;
			$newcount = 6 - $countags;
			$newcount = intval($newcount);
			if($newcount > $countagspost)
				return false;
			$randomarr = array_rand($tagspost, $newcount);
			$countfor = $newcount - 1;
			$newtags = array();
			for ($i = 0; ; $i++) 
				if ($i > $countfor) 
				$newtags[] = $tagspost[$randomarr[$i]];
		$newarrays = array_merge($tags,$newtags);
		$implod = implode(", ",$newarrays);
		$insert = $db->escape_string($implod);
		$inserttags = array(
			"tid" => $thread->tid,
			"tags" => $insert
		$aid = $db->insert_id();
		$db->insert_query("tags", $inserttags);

function systemtags_validate_tags(&$thread)
	global $mybb,$posthandler, $lang;
		$stags = strip_tags($mybb->input['tags']);
		$tagsht = htmlspecialchars_uni($stags);
		$searchcodes = explode(",", $mybb->settings['systemtag_disablecodes']);
		$rtags = str_replace($searchcodes, " ", $tagsht);
		$tags = trim($rtags);
		$explode = explode(",", $tags);
		$tagnum = 0;
		foreach($explode as $tag)
			if(strlen($tag) >= 4)
				return false;
		if($tagnum < 5)
			return false;
		if($thread->data['subject'] && $thread->data['message'])
			$stags = strip_tags($thread->data['subject']);
			$tagsht = htmlspecialchars_uni($stags);
			$codes = $mybb->settings['systemtag_disablecodes'];
			$searchcodes = explode(" ",$codes);
			$rtags = str_replace($searchcodes, " ", $tagsht);
			$rtagsp_br = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", " ", $rtags);
			$tags = trim($rtagsp_br);
			$explode = explode(" ", $tags);
			$tags = array();
			$countags = 0;
			foreach($explode as $strlen)
				if(strlen($strlen) >= 4)
					$tags[] = $strlen;
			if($countags < 5)
				//count(split("[ ]+", $thread->data['message']))
				$ptags = strip_tags($thread->data['message']);
				$tagshtp = htmlspecialchars_uni($ptags);
				$codes = "{ } [ ] ( ) \" ' < > : ; . , - _ + ! ? = $ % & ¡ ¿ /";
				$searchcodes = explode(" ",$codes);
				$rtagsp = str_replace($searchcodes, " ", $tagshtp);
				$rtagsp_br = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", " ", $rtagsp);
				$tagsmesaage = trim($rtagsp_br);
				$explodemessage = explode(" ", $tagsmesaage);
				$tagspost = array();
				$countagspost = 0;
				foreach($explodemessage as $strlenpost)
					if(strlen($strlenpost) >= 5)
						$tagspost[] = $strlenpost;
				$newcount = 6 - $countags;
				$newcount = intval($newcount);
				if($newcount > $countagspost)
					return false;
				$randomarr = array_rand($tagspost, $newcount);
				$countfor = $newcount - 1;
				$newtags = array();
				for ($i = 0; ; $i++) 
					if ($i > $countfor) 
					$newtags[] = $tagspost[$randomarr[$i]];
				$newarrays = array_merge($tags,$newtags);
				$tagnum = 0;
				foreach($newarrays as $countnewtags)
				if($tagnum < 5)
					return false;
return false;

Should suffice.
Thanks buddy very much!