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Full Version: MyBB 1.2.3 upgrade problem
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Hello, sorry if this is answered in another thread but as far as I could see it wasnt addressed anywhere else.

My problem is the following:

I backed up the config.php and settings.php and then proceeded to upload the new files. I then proceeded to reupload the two files as told by the wiki. I then made the whole dir setup 777 including the sub-directories, as its a test forum and im not conserned for security (plus my nerves where shattered by that time Rolleyes).

I then ran the upgrade.php, where it correctly asked me from what version im upgrading from, where I chosed 1.2.2. Then Next, and in the following screen (Performing Queries), also Next. It loads for a while (~100sec) and then attempts to download the upgrade.php script. On another pc and connection using IE (Im using firefox) it gives Zero Sized Reply
Squid did not receive any data for this request.

The forum however is operational, and shows both in the index and admin cp that it is version 1.2.3.

Was the upgrade done successfully? any help is appreciated.
There are only two queries run in the upgrade from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 which are not server intensive at all. I believe this this a problem with corrupt files in your install directory. Try re uploading them.
I did the upgrade with only the changed files, ie I downloaded the "mybb_123_changed_files" which is only for users already using mybb.

I now downloaded the full version (ie both upgrade and clean install) and I notice in the documentation that there is no mention of using the upgrade.php when upgrading.


Quote:Version 1.2.x

1. Unzip the release archive to your computer using an archive utility capable of decompressing the download format you chose (Winzip)
2. Using an ftp client (FlashFXP), upload the contents of the 'upload' directory to the directory in which you have a previous version of MyBB installed, with the exception of uploading of the following files:

./install/ (directory)
3. Your board should now be updated to this version. Please visit your Admin CP to confirm this.

does this mean that the upgrade was done? is there any other way other than the version display in the cp that I can confirm that the upgrade has been done successfully?
No your supposed to run the upgrade script. Those instructions are for upgrading to major releases, not minor releases. It says to follow the instructions in the announcement.